Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Audit and Recommendations

October 14, 2019Experience start
November 12, 2019Client Q&A
December 14, 2019Experience end
October 14, 2019Experience start
November 12, 2019Client Q&A
Meeting between students and company to answer any outstanding questions from students.
December 14, 2019Experience end
Experience scope
Sales strategy Marketing strategySkills
digital marketing sales & marketing marketing strategy data analysis researchIs your organization examining its customer relationship management (CRM) strategy and thinking about how to better integrate different points of customer data?
In this project students will explore your organization’s points of data (social media, mobile app, point of sale, etc.), current data collection tools, and how the CRM is used to combine data. They will recommend a new/improved CRM strategy to help drive organizational growth.
Customer Relationship Management Audit Report and Presentation
Step 1: What needs to be done?
What is the client’s overall business goal? Based on the Q&A with the client, on-site visits and employee interviews, students are to align with our client’s main objective (i.e. to increase revenues or margins, and by how much). And how will they accomplish this? Is it by acquiring new customers, developing existing customers or both? What would be the key CRM goal? Based on these goals, students will craft our client’s value proposition.
Step 2: What can I see?
What customer data is available through at the different sales points and channels (i.e. retail, POS, app information, CRM, website, location, etc.). How is that data accessed and evaluated? To understand the different touch points with our client's customers, students will create a persona and map that persona’s customer journey – using the simplified journey of six steps: awareness, interest, consideration, purchase, retention and awareness.
Step 3: What do I wish I could see?
What data is missing or unclear? Some problems could be limited data points, unclear objectives, limited access to data, too much data to make sense of, unorganized data, and so forth. Students will look at building a dream state inventory that would help them accomplish the client’s goal. And then define what success should look like by laying out Key Performance Indicators.
Step 4: What foundation can be built?
Students will identify what our client is starting with – what is the organizational structure and what changes need to be made to get to the organization’s end goal. As well as understand who the internal stakeholders are – those that interact with customers and would potentially use the dream state CRM tool. Students will provide the internal requirements (i.e. lead management, cross-sell, etc.).
Step 5: What do you recommend?
Based on that dream state foundation, students will recommend a CRM tool and how our client can leverage the tool and the data to gather insights and create actionable marketing tactics. How can the organization deliver personalized communication? Provide specific offers? Offer loyalty programs?
Project timeline
October 14, 2019Experience start
November 12, 2019Client Q&A
December 14, 2019Experience end
October 14, 2019Experience start
November 12, 2019Client Q&A
Meeting between students and company to answer any outstanding questions from students.
December 14, 2019Experience end
Project Examples
Based on your goals and requirements, student teams will:
- Explore different CRM tools, models and strategies in order to understand which platform(s) may best work.
- Recommend the best CRM strategy and tool to improve customer relationships for an organization.
- Create a strategic customer relationship marketing plan for an organization.
As such, students will see what kind of customer/prospect data your organization has, and whether you are making use of that data. They will provide your company with recommendations of how to collect and unify that data so that you have a single point of view for the customer.
Once you have achieved your desired customer data collection and CRM state, students would also provide actionable marketing tactics that deliver personalized communications to your customers and/or prospects.
Additional company criteria
Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:
Additional company criteria
Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:
October 14, 2019Experience start
November 12, 2019Client Q&A
December 14, 2019Experience end
October 14, 2019Experience start
November 12, 2019Client Q&A
Meeting between students and company to answer any outstanding questions from students.
December 14, 2019Experience end