Shifting organizational culture

March 1, 2023Experience start
November 6, 2021Meeting with Leadership team
November 6, 2021Meeting with Leadership team
November 20, 2021OCAI survey
November 20, 2021OCAI survey
December 11, 2021Executive Summary of recommendations
April 16, 2023Experience end
March 1, 2023Experience start
November 6, 2021Meeting with Leadership team
Meeting between students and company leadership to discuss company culture, vision and mission
November 6, 2021Meeting with Leadership team
Meeting between students and company leadership to discuss company culture, vision and mission
November 20, 2021OCAI survey
Students distribute OCAI to company staff and collect the results
November 20, 2021OCAI survey
Students distribute OCAI to company staff and collect the results
December 11, 2021Executive Summary of recommendations
Students send executive summary of their recommendations to the leadership team
December 11, 2021Executive Summary of recommendations
Students send executive summary of their recommendations to the leadership team
December 16, 2021Final presentation
Presentation of results to executive leadership team
December 16, 2021Final presentation
Presentation of results to executive leadership team
March 18, 2023Meet with student team
The student team should schedule an interview with the senior leadership team to learn more about the direction that the company wishes to go.
April 1, 2023OCAI Survey distributed to the team
Students will distribute the OCAI survey within the organization
April 16, 2023Report and recommendations
Students will send their report and recommendations to you.
April 16, 2023Experience end
Experience scope
Leadership Organizational structure Operations Project managementSkills
change management business strategy data analysis organizational behaviourOrganizational culture ranks high on why employers choose to stay with or leave an organization for the long term. It impacts employee engagement and productivity as well as your organization's reputation. Ensuring your organizational culture is aligned with your organizational vision and mission is key to your company's success.
Utilizing the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI), student teams will gather data to assess six key dimensions of your organizational culture as it exists today and what your team would like it to look like five years from now. Students will use this data, along with information gathered about your mission and vision from an interview with your leadership team, to make recommendations on some tactical approaches you can make to shift your organizational culture in the direction you'd like it to go.
Students will provide to your organization:
- A summary of the OCAI results for your organization
- An executive summary of the recommendations of the team
- A presentation to members of your leadership team about the recommendations where they can answer any questions you may have
Project timeline
March 1, 2023Experience start
November 6, 2021Meeting with Leadership team
November 6, 2021Meeting with Leadership team
November 20, 2021OCAI survey
November 20, 2021OCAI survey
December 11, 2021Executive Summary of recommendations
April 16, 2023Experience end
March 1, 2023Experience start
November 6, 2021Meeting with Leadership team
Meeting between students and company leadership to discuss company culture, vision and mission
November 6, 2021Meeting with Leadership team
Meeting between students and company leadership to discuss company culture, vision and mission
November 20, 2021OCAI survey
Students distribute OCAI to company staff and collect the results
November 20, 2021OCAI survey
Students distribute OCAI to company staff and collect the results
December 11, 2021Executive Summary of recommendations
Students send executive summary of their recommendations to the leadership team
December 11, 2021Executive Summary of recommendations
Students send executive summary of their recommendations to the leadership team
December 16, 2021Final presentation
Presentation of results to executive leadership team
December 16, 2021Final presentation
Presentation of results to executive leadership team
March 18, 2023Meet with student team
The student team should schedule an interview with the senior leadership team to learn more about the direction that the company wishes to go.
April 1, 2023OCAI Survey distributed to the team
Students will distribute the OCAI survey within the organization
April 16, 2023Report and recommendations
Students will send their report and recommendations to you.
April 16, 2023Experience end
Project Examples
Students in this class are studying change management through the methodologies presented by John P. Kotter in Leading Change and William Bridges in Managing Transitions. Working in teams, students will assess the results of the OCAI for your organization and present ideas for practical strategies your organization to shift your organizational culture utilizing one of these two frameworks.
Additional company criteria
Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:
Additional company criteria
Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:
March 1, 2023Experience start
November 6, 2021Meeting with Leadership team
November 6, 2021Meeting with Leadership team
November 20, 2021OCAI survey
November 20, 2021OCAI survey
December 11, 2021Executive Summary of recommendations
April 16, 2023Experience end
March 1, 2023Experience start
November 6, 2021Meeting with Leadership team
Meeting between students and company leadership to discuss company culture, vision and mission
November 6, 2021Meeting with Leadership team
Meeting between students and company leadership to discuss company culture, vision and mission
November 20, 2021OCAI survey
Students distribute OCAI to company staff and collect the results
November 20, 2021OCAI survey
Students distribute OCAI to company staff and collect the results
December 11, 2021Executive Summary of recommendations
Students send executive summary of their recommendations to the leadership team
December 11, 2021Executive Summary of recommendations
Students send executive summary of their recommendations to the leadership team
December 16, 2021Final presentation
Presentation of results to executive leadership team
December 16, 2021Final presentation
Presentation of results to executive leadership team
March 18, 2023Meet with student team
The student team should schedule an interview with the senior leadership team to learn more about the direction that the company wishes to go.
April 1, 2023OCAI Survey distributed to the team
Students will distribute the OCAI survey within the organization
April 16, 2023Report and recommendations
Students will send their report and recommendations to you.
April 16, 2023Experience end