Feedback details

Critical thinking
Custom Questions

What notable qualities or skills did the student demonstrate throughout the project?

Communication, tech skills, problem solving, listening, brainstorming, and active learning.

How did the student engage with stakeholders during the project?

The student asked questions about the project, provided updates, and asked for feedback and improvements.

Did the student effectively manage their time and meet project deadlines? If so, how? If not, what areas could they improve in?

Yes. They did a lot of work in a short period of time. They met their deadlines.

Team feedback

Individual endorsement
Webflow Web development Python (programming language) Coding theory

Great job. I am impressed with your skills and you did a wonderful job. You could not have been a better student for the task.

Great job Yash. I am impressed with your tech skills. You did exactly what I needed in a quick time. You couldn't have done a better job.
Needs assessment Webflow Web development
Yefim Belyavsky
Law Student
Level UP: May 2024
Website Development
Needs assessment Webflow Web development
Created At
November 9, 2024