Feedback details

Critical thinking
Custom Questions

I attest that I have adhered to Pathways to Environmental Careers Terms and Conditions:


I confirm that the learner has completed the required project deliverables within 80 hours


I approve the final deliverables submitted by the learner and believe they should receive payment for their work.

Team feedback
Afifur was a pleasure to work with and did an excellent job with his research assignment! His final paper presents key statistics related to the carbon sequestration potential of marine ecosystems in Canada and highlights the potential for the blue carbon market to encourage investments in nature-based solutions. This information will help SCBC develop effective communications materials to support the Green Shores program. Additionally, Afifur's research introduces SCBC to a potential funding source that deserves further exploration. Afifur is a bright, conscientious young professional with the potential to grow and succeed in the environmental field! I encourage Afifur to continue researching topics in marine and freshwater management, conservation, and sustainability to broaden his knowledge base and explore potential career paths that match his interests.
Communication Academic papers Print media Research Microsoft powerpoint
Ariadne Boutsakis She / Her
Program Assistant
Pathways to Environmental Careers
SCBC Communications Assistant
Communication Academic papers Print media Research Microsoft powerpoint
Created At
March 28, 2024