Feedback details


Project feedback

It was an excellent experience to work at Planet Cents Inc. We have learned many useful things, such as how real interviews are taken, how they are graded, the way interviewers are trained, the importance of succession plans, etc. The founder of the organization, Leslie Sheridan, has 35 years of experience, and she has ensured that we learn, act, and work professionally. We have created a five-step training program, and our professor, Dr. Diljot Kaur Soin's guidance played a crucial role in our work. We have also recommended a grading scale for some interview questions as part of our project. It was a wonderful experience, and I highly recommend Planet Cents Inc. for apprenticeship or internship to younger people as the organization focuses on sustainability and saving our planet for future generations. There is a lot to learn in this organization.
Kaustubh Patil
Recruiting & Retaining Talent - Summer 2023
Virtual/Remote HR Apprenticeship/Internship
Created At
September 27, 2023