Computer Dev - eCommerce WebApp Motorsports
Project scope
Operations Project management Information technologySkills
mysql slack (software) amazon dynamodb .net framework project planning application development microsoft teams display advertising serverless computing communicationRacerX is offering computer science students or teams a fun and challenging project using AWS Cloud and Serverless.
Student will learn todays most sought after developer skills on a simple MVP prototype designed using AWS Amplify Studio,
Cognito, Lambda, Dynamo db, SageMaker Studio for light A-I and ML Development on this platform is fast and easy. See Video.
The primary focus will be:
- RacerX is an eCommerce Marketplace For Motorsports designed to sell high performance products not found on Amazon, eBay Alibaba etc.
- We seek students to create the listing portion of the site that will display new and used motorsports equipment, vehicles safety gear and more.
- You'll Follow a basic project plan with allowance for your own creativity to develop a classified and display advertising micro site as a container
- (Optional) AI - artificial intelligence to improve operations via SageMaker Studio if students get ahead of schedule and want more .
- Front end and back end are matched in Amplify studio as well as setup, Lambda, and Dynamo db. Creating a design is simple since the design studio is integrated in Amplify. Students can screen shot mock-ups, and create a simple plan for implementing a functioning prototype as an MVP for RacerX.
- Research, Review and Recommend AWS Bots, Natural Language and Text Translation for internationalization of our eCommerce marketplace platform
- Software Architecture - Some of this may involve improving functionality reviewing AW well Architected.
- Research, Review and Recommend communication tools, problem solving techniques, intelligent search, and knowledge representation.
- Application Programming Interfaces - Some of this may involve improving functionality or simple API integration; using AWS Gateway of one system thru integration into another.
- Our goal at the end of this experience is:
- Application Development - For the student(s) to get valuable hands on experience creating a functioning MVP webapp that familiarizes them with AWS Cloud most advanced tools in a safe harbor development environment for an eCommerce Marketplace worldwide. ** Opportunity for career selection.
- Software Architecture Development - Student(s) will be provided an architecture plan.
Other duties the student may complete could include:
- AWS Well Architected Software Research
- Assist with site process improvement projects
- Languages: Java, Python, MySQL, .NET, React , Js Node AWS Amplify Studio
We communicate with virtual teams using a Project mgmnt solution - MS Teams, Zoom, Whats app group messaging, company slack, email.
Students will direct access to CEO and C-Level Execs thru email, text and MS Teams or Zoom at scheduled times
Additional training is available directly and indirectly from AWS developer Gurus in Serverless - Amplify and Dynamo db.s
About the company
CMXi is an eCommerce Company based in Toronto / St Pete FL. Our Mission is to help students thru experiential learning to obtain careers in our 100% Virtual Company. Join our team of A Players today.