Architectural Assistant - HOUSE Ontario

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Executive Director
Academic experience
120 hours of work total
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Intermediate level

Project scope

Environmental sustainability Social sciences
planning design software sketchup (3d modeling software)

The Architectural Assistant will be responsible for planning, developing, and creating architectural designs for the various projects HOUSE is working on across Ontario. Reporting to the Executive Director, the Architectural Assistant will:

  • Create artistic renderings of the exterior and interior of a proposed residential building, units, and common facilities.
  • Use design software such as Sketchup to create housing designs that reflect the community that will be living in them, zoning and official plan by-laws/standards, and create opportunities for community cooperation.
  • Examine and report on development plans and/or developer proposals based on community-based and/or site-specific needs.
  • Present designs to HOUSE team members and during community engagement sessions. Provide materials that can be disseminated to stakeholders to review designs prior to meetings.
  • Receive feedback from community, HOUSE team members, and other stakeholders and revise architectural designs as needed.
  • Create artistic renderings of the exterior and interior of a proposed residential building, units, and common facilities.
  • Present designs to HOUSE team members and during community engagement sessions. Provide materials that can be disseminated to stakeholders to review designs prior to meetings.

Students will connect directly with the employer for mentorship and supervision throughout the project.

  • Slack
  • Click Up
  • Organization assigned email
  • Weekly check in with direct supervisor

About the company

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Non-profit, philanthropic & civil society

HOUSE stands for housing our university students equitably. we are an incorporated non-profit organization, set up by students, dedicated to developing student-controlled, permanently affordable accommodations across ontario and canada. we research, develop, and advocate for affordable and community-oriented student housing that benefits individuals and communities. we develop expertise unique to ontario while being inspired by best practices around the world.
we believe in social entrepreneurship and innovation, and in learning from the student-owned housing sector across north america and around the world. we believe in creating housing projects which are locally governed, self-financed, partially member-operated, and offer affordable rents. we believe that equitable access to affordable student housing is central to creating sustainable urban environments and building a more socially just world.