Root Rescue - How to market a truly disruptive technology

Project scope
Biotechnology Advertising Digital marketing Search engine optimization Sales strategySkills
fertilizers landscape architecture direct marketing selling techniques soil scienceThe challenge we face at Root Rescue is overcoming the near-monopoly position that the use of synthetic fertilizers occupies in the marketplace. The farmer, the casual weekend gardener, or the Landscape Contractor all think that growing plants is synonymous with the use of “Fertilizer”. “You know, those bags of stuff you buy at the garden centre with the 3 Numbers on them”. “That’s how you grow plants, you use that stuff – right?”
Not a bad spot to be if you are manufacturing or selling fertilizer – you already occupy the pole position in the minds of nearly everyone.
If you don’t know what’s wrong with using fertilizer to grow the crops and other plants, – just Google it. You’ll find out about the huge harm that this technology is doing to the soil, the water, and the climate.
Root Rescue needs to improve our market outreach - find the best ways to get our Disruptive Technology noticed and adopted.
Student Tasks:
- Learn about our (disruptive) technology: how it improves on the dominant tech, features and benefits, etc.
- Analyse our existing SM and direct marketing outreach to our several market segments
- Propose improvements to our outreach
I propose to train the students on our tech - give them the confidence to think deeply about what we're doing. I will make myself available on a regular basis (probably via scheduled Zoom meetings).
About the company
Root Rescue products put life back into soil; restoring and nurturing the beneficial soil organisms that plants rely on to find water and nutrients. A healthy soil environment supports plants naturally; reducing or eliminating the need for synthetic fertilizers or chemicals. Use Root Rescue's Transplanter whenever you plant. Give plants a healthy start – the beneficial soil fungi in Transplanter will go to work immediately helping your new plants. And the benefits will last for the whole life of your plant. Once and Done! Tremendous value, amazing results, all-natural and certified Organic. This is the way to grow all plants!