The COVID Pandemic Impact on Juvenile Crime & Data in the U.S.

Project scope
Communications Market researchSkills
relapse prevention child protection juvenile justice research mental health writingResearch and writing for this project will be used for KARA's social media as well as the publication of KARA's next book.
American institutions of child protection and education are unable to provide the level of involvement and support for at risk youth they were providing pre COVID.
Law enforcement has few tools beyond a punishment model that treats disturbed 12 & 14 year olds like criminals instead of damaged youth that need coping skills and mental health services.
The challenge for our project is to find and present information that demonstrate trends due to COVID both the social and financial costs of a broken child protection system dumping foster children into juvenile justice and then a criminal justice system that is reaching a 9 year recidivism rate of 90%.
The lack of institutional transparency, media attention and public awareness of the exponential growth in generational child abuse, school failure and resulting crime & prison growth are contributing a misinformed and confused public that has become unwilling to support people and programs to improve the lives of these children.
There is a growing body of stories and data demonstrating real damage to American institutions and communities.
University studies have been done and are being done that show these trends and costs.
Media has sporadically done powerful reporting on stories and data that if presented in a more structured and cogent fashion could bring a level of awareness that could changes these trends.
Without better understanding of the damage dysfunctional youth bring with them into adulthood, there is little hope for better schools, less crime and a return to more acceptable quality of life indices. It is KARA's mission to find and present this information on as broad a scale as possible.
About the company
KARAβs mission is to support the people, policies, and programs that make life better for abused and neglected children by creating awareness, initiating programs and conversations that involve the community in ending childhood trauma and generational child abuse.