Exploring Light and Shadows with Elm Tree Theatre

Project scope
Data analysis Visual arts EducationSkills
No skills listedElm Tree Theatre is seeking to expand the way we work with very young / early years audiences by developing a theatrical experience that explores dimensions of light and shadow. We need to explore some potential large and small scale light and shadow opportunities (using objects, coloured light, large and small screens, and children as shadow-makers). This project seeks to develop a range of offerings for children to test so that we can learn more about what resonates for them, and how they respond and make meaning with the materials we offer. This very early exploration work is essential before seeking to develop a production.
Setting up equipment and materials to conduct light and shadow tests of different materials and how they interact with each other. Experimenting with different lighting technologies to determine the best instrumentation to be used with each given material. Recording the different interactions and archiving the data for future theatrical production development.
We will support the student by helping to organize lighting tests and securing all of the borrowed equipment for use, as well as supplying all of the necessary materials. We will also supply the space and technology required for the project as well as guiding the student through proper observation recording and archiving of data.
About the company
The Faculty of Fine Arts and Communications is a place where creators, dreamers, innovators and supporters come together. It's a place where art, communications, design, music and theatre thrive.