Level UP CDA Updating MacEwanLife Resources Phase #2
Review and update existing ML resources including documents, videos and links. We are hopeful to continue the creation of competency badges that students worked on this summer. There are an additional four competencies to create for MacEwanLife. We are also creating certificates for a number of other events and would love the student to take this on, as well.
MacEwan Storywalk
The MacEwan Storywalk project aims to create an engaging, interactive walking experience combining storytelling elements and engaging in enriching activities (e.g., visiting the library makerspace). Students will design interconnected narratives highlighting important parts of a StoryWalk that will be installed on the MacEwan University campus (between buildings 7,6 and 5). The project will enhance the storytelling experience, making it educational and engaging for participants.
Level UP Support Administrator Phase 2
The main goal of this project is to support the Experiential Learning Facilitator team in onboarding community partner organizations and students onto the Level UP platform. The student may also be supporting the team in administrative tasks related to community engaged learning in the classes.
Level UP Support Administrator
The main goal of this project is to support the Experiential Learning Facilitator team in onboarding community partner organizations and students onto the Level UP platform. The student may also be supporting the team in administrative tasks related to community engaged learning in the classes.
Student Leadership Assistant Phase 3
Students will be supporting with: Reviewing feedback programming and evaluations from all student leadership programming (Ambassadors, Golden Key and Emerging Leaders) Providing administrative support to leadership initiatives Completing reports for 2021-2022 Leadership & Engagement initiatives Supporting program development for 2021-2022 Leadership & Engagement initiatives
Student Leadership Assistant Phase 2
Students will be supporting with: Reviewing feedback programming and evaluations from all student leadership programming (Ambassadors, Golden Key and Emerging Leaders) Providing administrative support to leadership initiatives Completing reports for 2021-2022 Leadership & Engagement initiatives Supporting program development for 2021-2022 Leadership & Engagement initiatives
Level UP CDA FAS Career Advising Pilot Program - Phase 2
Introduce incoming students to C&E & services through short career advising appointments.
Level UP- MacEwan Emerging Leaders Community Engaged Project
Positions available: 10 May 27 - July 22, 2023 10 hours/week for 8 weeks This section of the series focuses on students applying the the leadership knowledge they gained in the personal and group sessions to real-life problems that our community is facing. Community engagement is collaboration based on mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge, experiences and resources between students and community partners. Students can use this experience to help explore possible career directions and establish professional networks. Training from the Social Innovation Institute will focus on systems thinking, human-centered design and project management strategies.
Student Leadership Assistant 2023
Students will be supporting with: Reviewing feedback programming and evaluations from all student leadership programming (Ambassadors, Golden Key and Emerging Leaders) Providing administrative support to leadership initiatives Completing reports for 2022-2023 Leadership & Engagement initiatives Supporting program development for 2023-2024 Leadership and Engagement initiatives
Level UP C and E design for ML upgrade phase 5
Develop graphics and images for the ML symplicity upgrade
Level UP C and E design for ML upgrade phase 4
Develop graphics and images for the ML symplicity upgrade
Level UP C and E design for ML upgrade phase 3
Develop graphics and images for the ML symplicity upgrade
Level UP C and E design for ML upgrade phase 2
Develop graphics and images for the ML symplicity upgrade
Level UP C and E design for ML upgrade phase 1
Develop graphics and images for the ML symplicity upgrade
Level UP CDA Project
Updating coop resources for course and ML
Level UP CDA FAS Career Advising pilot program
Introduce incoming students to C&E & services through short career advising appointments.
Level UP CDA EDI Workshop Development Phase 2
Develop and create videos for EDI workshops for both employers & students
Level UP CDA EDI Workshop Development
Develop and create videos for EDI workshops for both employers & students
Level UP CDA Updating ML Resources
Review and update existing ML resources including documents, videos and links.
Level UP Statistical Analysis of Career Appointments
Analysis of career appointment data to maximize efficiency of scheduling.
Tami Fake #2
Level UP: Fake Project #3
LevelUP: Community project
Marketing support for an organization.
Level UP - Level UP Project Support Phase #1
Positions available: 1 The Careers & Experience team at MacEwan University is looking for a team player who is able to support with a variety of projects related to the Level UP program. This will be a 4 week project (there is flexibility around how the 80 hours will be distributed over the 4 week period) Duties include, but are not limited to: Assist students to create Riipen accounts and apply to Level UP projects Host Level UP office hours for students Monitor the MacEwan Riipen Outlook e-mail account and respond to student inquiries Assist with responding to community partner questions
Community Partner Projects W22
Students have been granted the opportunity to match their community partner projects from the Winter 2022 semester to the Level UP program. Projects will be confirmed with both your community partner and educator. Students must complete their exit surveys by Monday, April 25, 2022.
Community Partner Project Extension
Students will be given an opportunity to extend their community partner projects from the Winter 2022 semester. Projects must start by Monday, April 11, but can start as soon as students have confirmed with their employers that they will be continuing their projects. Students must submit their final projects by Monday, April 25, 2022.
Mentorship Assistant
We would like to work with students to review feedback of programming and evaluations from First Year Experience Mentorship 2021-2022 Phases 1-3. This will involve: Conducting environmental scan of Nationwide post-secondary student mentorship programming with specific focus on BIPOC and First Year students Compiling common threads and list recommendations Creating an evaluation framework for the program
Co-Curricular Records Assistant
We would like to work with students to help us organize our records. Students will be expected to: Monitor and evaluate CCR data Engage stakeholders, students and validators to ensure accuracy and consistent use Support creation of volunteer board Provide direct service in response to inquiries and requests from both internal and external stakeholders
Student Leadership Assistant
Students will be supporting with: Reviewing feedback programming and evaluations from all student leadership programming (Ambassadors, Golden Key and Emerging Leaders) Providing administrative support to leadership initiatives Completing reports for 2021-2022 Leadership & Engagement initiatives Supporting program development for 2021-2022 Leadership & Engagement initiatives
MacEwan Careers & Experience Research Project
Leadership and Engagement is a team that provides MacEwan students with cocurricular experiential learning opportunities. This includes but is not limited to campus and communities volunteer experiences and activities to develop career-ready leadership skills. Initiatives include the Emerging Leaders Certificate program, MacEwan Ambassador Program, Golden Key International Honour Society chapter, Co-curricular Record, First-Year Experience Mentorship Program, and the iVolunteer campaign. Students will complete a project for MacEwan’s Careers and Experience Office that explores experiences and perspectives among students who are participating or have participated in Leadership and Engagement programs and services. Ms. Dogbe leads these initiatives at MacEwan and is hoping to further understand how to best support MacEwan students, and their future career journeys and prospects, through volunteer and community engagement opportunities. Research questions: What are the strengths of the volunteering/community engagement opportunities currently offered? Can they be enhanced and, if so, how? What are the barriers and needs among MacEwan students with reference to participating in volunteering/community engagement opportunities? In what ways are students benefiting from participating in the volunteering/community engagement opportunities (i.e., have these experiences helped students navigate their career journey, how)? Research participants: MacEwan students who are or have been engaged in MacEwan’s Leadership and Engagement programs and services.