Gannon University
Icy Barton
Human Resources Director
April 12, 2023
Experience feedback
We were never contacted.

Integrated Business Strategy and Analytics - W23
Gannon University

Marketing Strategy Plan for Crowned Grace International
Crowned Grace International

Sujit Velmurugan
September 22, 2023
Experience feedback
Gannon university students were great! Great work and final report.

Healthcare Strategic Plan
Gannon University

Market Research For a Health and Wellness Brand
Remote Location

Anthony Panchoo
December 20, 2023
Experience feedback
Great group, I really enjoyed working with them.
They were quite in tune with the project and understanding the goals.
I would happily engage with them for future projects.

GMBA 625-0B: Data-Driven Strategic Planning and Decision Making (Fall 2023)
Gannon University

Advanced Data Analysis and Empirical Research Methodologies - PIFit

December 22, 2023
Experience feedback
The students I worked with were dedicated and provided an excellent paper and video at the end of the semester.

Strategic Plan & Analysis
Gannon University

Competitive Analysis
Inform Your Community

Dawn Van Dam
December 26, 2023
Experience feedback
Thank you for all of your hard work this year. Great job!

GMBA 625-0A - Data-Driven Strategic Planning and Decision Making (Fall 2023)
Gannon University

Social Media Paid Ads, Re-Targeting, Analytics, Collaborations in Music Industry - Plus
Canyon Entertainment Group
Ghazaleh Afrahi
December 26, 2023
Experience feedback
The professor I worked with (Dr. J. Maurer) was very supportive, responsive, and easy to work with. When we were planning the course, he suggested giving part of our project to one group and part to another, and I am very happy we did that. Unfortunately, one of the groups lacked the motivation and professionalism we hoped to see and cost us valuable time without a return. The other group, on the other hand, was very professional throughout the project and went beyond the scope I expected. Overall, I recommend working with this school, but I would also suggest paying attention to the students' team dynamic and discussing anything that doesn't feel right with the professor as soon as you can.

Strategic Plan & Analysis
Gannon University

Market Analysis, Segmentation, and Payback Period Research & Analysis
Shifting Shap3s Inc.

Jeffrey H. Greenwald, P.E., CAE
He / Him
December 29, 2023
Experience feedback
Dear Riipen - the team was very responsive and did try. I got caught up in too many work issues and could not devote the time to lead the team.
I gave the Team 4.5 stars; I gave myself one star.
Sorry for my lack of focus.
Jeff Greenwald

GMBA 625-0C: Data-Driven Strategic Planning and Decision Making ( Fall 2023)
Gannon University

Operative Greenwald, Inc. Energy Excellence Certification Program Management
Operative Greenwald, Inc.