Morgan Tannis


Business strategies 4 Research 4 Market analysis 3 Marketing strategies 3 Market research 3 Pricing strategies 3 Promotional materials 3 Branding 2 Economic development 2 Economics 2 Event planning 2 Financial planning 2 Logo design 2 Management 2 Market positioning 2 Operations 2 Price analysis 2 Revenue forecasting 2 Biology 1 Blueprinting 1 Booking (sales) 1 Business planning 1 Coaching 1 Consumer behaviour 1 Data analysis 1 Information gathering 1 Market trend 1 Proposal writing 1 Research reports 1 Target market 1 Verbal communication skills 1


Latest feedback

James Rhule
James Rhule
Managing Partner
March 28, 2024
Team feedback
good work, thanks for the help!
Branding Logo design
Pathways to Environmental Careers
Pathways to Environmental Careers
Pathways to Environmental Careers
Project: Human City
Project: Human City Branding
Project: Human City
Shawn Ferron
Managing Partner
June 4, 2024
Individual endorsement
Economic development Business strategies Market analysis Market positioning Price analysis Market research Pricing strategies Management Operations Economics

Morgan's professionalism, attention to detail, and skill set were the perfect combination to make this project a success. We wish you nothing but the best in the future. If you ever need a reference please feel to reach out.

Team feedback
Outstanding team, it was a pure pleasure to work with the group. Thank you for joining our project, you did a phenomenal job. I would highly recommend other companies working with this group in the future.
Economic development Business strategies Market analysis Market positioning Price analysis Market research Pricing strategies Management Operations Economics
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Level UP: September 2023 - March 2024
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Places in PEC
Company Analysis and Market Research for Places in PEC
Places in PEC
Shawn Ferron
Managing Partner
April 30, 2024
Team feedback
Outstanding work on the project, great to have on the team.
Marketing strategies Promotional materials Pricing strategies Booking (sales)
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Level UP: September 2023 - March 2024
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Places in PEC
Increase Bookings for Places in PEC Short-Term Rental Properties
Places in PEC

Recent projects

Preeminent Management Ltd.
Preeminent Management Ltd.
Richmond, British Columbia, Canada

Grant Researching 2 - Charity

Grant Identification and Application: Research and identify potential grants that support market research and business strategy innovation. Market Analysis and Competitive Research: Use potential grant funding to conduct in-depth studies of our target market and competitive landscape. Strategic Application of Insights: Apply insights from market research to refine our company's positioning, brand, products, and services, enhancing our competitive edge.

Matches 1
Category Market research + 3
Inner Harmony Healing
Inner Harmony Healing
Chatham, Ontario, Canada

Event Planning for Megan Harmony Retreat

The main goal for the project is to plan and organize a successful retreat for spiritual women, hosted by Megan Harmony. The retreat should provide a safe and nurturing environment for attendees to connect with their inner light and divinity, and to receive healing and guidance from Megan Harmony. The retreat should also include speaking engagements, card readings, and opportunities for personal growth and empowerment.

Matches 1
Category Project management + 4
Places in PEC
Places in PEC
Prince Edward, Ontario, Canada

Increase Bookings for Places in PEC Short-Term Rental Properties

The main goal for the project is to increase bookings for the 50+ short-term rental properties in Prince Edward County owned by Places in PEC. This will involve several different steps for the learners, including: - Analyzing the current booking trends and customer preferences. - Developing a marketing strategy to target potential guests/renters. - Optimizing property listings on various rental platforms. - Researching and implementing pricing strategies to attract more bookings. - Advertise current promotional materials and content to showcase the properties.

Matches 1
Category Communications + 2
Project: Human City
Project: Human City
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Project: Human City Branding

The main goal for the project is to create branding guides, assets, and logos for the products Co-Quest, Lotus Learning, and Spotstitch for the company Project: Human City. This will involve working closely with the company to understand their vision and values, and then translating that into visual branding elements for their mobile and web apps.

Matches 2
Category Branding & style guides + 4