Mariya Turchin
Mariya Turchin
Student - She / Her
Funding Essentials Inc.
Funding Essentials Inc.
Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada

Funding Essentials - Business Scale-up Plan

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Business Scale-up Plan Focus: Research and Implement Projects for Business Growth We have some great ideas on how to scale-up our company and create passive or semi-passive income. We want to work with entrepreneurial-minded students to complete system documentation, research, and begin the implementation process. Funding Essentials is a professional writing services company that offers research, writing, and business consultations ( We are moving towards a business model that includes coaching other writers and offering advice (industry expert) vs. actual writing services. RESOURCES: We can provide any additional internal materials to ensure a complete understanding and smooth collaboration.

Matches 3
Category Competitive analysis + 4
Fly Fitness Aerial Studio INC
Fly Fitness Aerial Studio INC
Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada

Kamloops Real Estate Feasibility Study for Fly Fitness

Fly Fitness Aerial Studio INC is exploring the potential of purchasing commercial real estate in Kamloops. The project aims to evaluate the financial feasibility and strategic opportunities associated with this investment. The primary focus is on assessing both individual ownership and cost-sharing scenarios to determine the most viable option. Additionally, the project seeks to identify strategies to maximize revenue within the constraints of existing space limitations. Part 1: Financial Assessment for Individual Ownership Objective: Assess the costs, revenue requirements, and expenses involved in purchasing commercial real estate solely for Fly Fitness. Revenue Requirements: Analyse how much revenue the business would need to generate to cover expenses like mortgage payments, taxes, insurance, and maintenance. Moving Expenses: Detail expected costs of relocating, such as renovations, equipment transportation, setup, and potential downtime. Part 2: Shared-Cost Scenarios with a Tenant Objective: Evaluate the financial feasibility of co-owning or renting a portion of the property to a tenant. Shared Costs Analysis: Develop scenarios that include tenant rent contributions, adjusted revenue goals, and shared expenses. Tenant Selection Criteria: Suggest criteria for an ideal tenant that aligns with Fly Fitness’s brand and operations. Revenue Maximization Strategies Objective : Propose strategies to increase revenue within the limitations of the current class setup (9 poles with no additional space). Optimization of the schedule:  Alternative Revenue Streams: Project Format Options Project Format Options Traditional Thesis: Comprehensive written analysis including charts, financial models, and recommendations. PowerPoint Presentation: Key insights, visuals, and simplified data for a high-level overview. Media of Student’s Choice: Flexibility for innovative presentation formats like a video report or interactive PDF.

Matches 1
Category Accounting + 4