Sonia Di Maulo
Sonia Di Maulo
Global Leadership Strategist
RBC Future Launch
RBC Future Launch

Client-Centered Communication for Innovation in Engineering (Masters-level course) Concordia University

ENCS 6042

Mar 10, 2025 - Apr 21, 2025

This experience focuses on equipping learners with the skills necessary for effective client-centered communication within the innovation process in engineering-related projects. Participants will gain expertise in qualitative data collection, customer development communication, and user interview techniques. By applying these skills, learners will be able to validate customer needs, craft audience-appropriate messages, and deliver compelling prototypes and presentations aligned to meet a client's current needs.

Matches 3
Category Market expansion + 4
Concordia University
Concordia University
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Communication Techniques in Engineering

ENCS 6042/4

Feb 17, 2022 - Apr 9, 2022

Through this course, our graduate students from Concordia University are introduced to detailed theories of client-centred design. They have covered topics and skills that include qualitative data collection, customer development communication, and user interview techniques. Through their projects with your organization, students will be applying the foundations of customer validation, audience-appropriate message creation, and advanced presentation techniques for the innovation process. By the conclusion of the project, our students will have supported you in using impactful communication to innovate the process of connecting with your clients.

Matches 2
Category Information technology + 3