Kelsey Lussier
Student - She / Her
Serenity Creative Agency
Serenity Creative Agency
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Grant writer for Digital Marketing and Graphic Design Agency

The goal of this project would be for the student(s) to research and apply to grant opportunities for Serenity Creative Agency. Ideally, student(s) will apply to 5-10 grants, as well as create a master list of grants that our agency would be eligible to apply to in the future.

Matches 1
Category Market expansion + 4
Serenity Creative Agency
Serenity Creative Agency
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Copywriter and SEO Specialist for Digital Marketing Agency

The main objective of this project is for student(s) to expand their digital marketing copywriting skills by creating engaging copy for social media posts and projects that include keywords for a variety of clients in diverse fields. By the end of this project, students will have completed market research to inspire creative copywriting in 3 complete content calendars (2-4 months each) for clients in the follow industries: -Digital Marketing -Health & Wellness -Trades

Matches 1
Category Digital marketing + 2
Serenity Creative Agency
Serenity Creative Agency
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Graphic Designer for Clients of Digital Marketing Agency

The goal of this project is for students to brainstorm and design 4 months worth of effective social media content for two of our clients (1. Life Coach 2. Travel Agency) By the end of the project, students will have completed the following: Preliminary research and overview of the target audience for each client Brainstorm content ideas that align with the company's vision, goals and missiobn Create and design social media content Organize a content calendar via google sheets that will include copywriting for captions and hashtags

Matches 1
Category Digital marketing + 3
Serenity Creative Agency
Serenity Creative Agency
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Social Media Strategist for Digital Marketing Agency

The objective of this project is for students to strategize social media marketing initiatives, campaigns, concepts and content calendars for 5 clients of Serenity Creative Agency. By the end of the project, students will have created social media strategy proposals, research on relevant trends, keywords, and hashtags, as well as lead the creative team of Serenity to implement these strategies. These strategies will include: market research, target audience identification, keywords, hashtags, content ideas, as well as overseeing these strategies being put into place with the rest of the Serenity Creative team.

Matches 1
Category Market research + 3