UnstoppABLEntrepreneur Circle
The leader of this company has a background in Human Resources (recruitment, executive coaching, career development, training and organizational development and as a speaker has spoken on 6 of the 7 continents. She also has a background in Public Relations which will all help to support the team throughout this project. 1. Research through the Dimension 11 Data base, Social Media and LinkedIn possible clients who may be interested in this program - a 3 month circle meeting every second week to find solutions to their business/human resource concerns 2. Create a written script for connecting with the resources found 3. Create a survey to send to the resources found 4. Follow up using the script to see who might be a true prospect 5. Develop the scripting for the 3 month program as it relates to leadership, team building, communications and service 6. Participate in the program after their internship is complete, if there is an interest