Configuring Opnsense, Haproxy and Nginx for Armada Research & Development
The goal of this project is to configure Opnsense, Haproxy and Nginx to bring Armada Research & Development's servers and containers online on subdomains and allocated ports. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: - Researching and understanding the different components of the project. - Configuring Opnsense, Haproxy and Nginx to bring the servers and containers online. - Testing the configurations to ensure they are working correctly. - Troubleshooting any issues that arise. - Documenting the configurations and any changes made.
Website redesign BCM
The main goal of this project is to create an engaging website for a construction company.
Environmental assessment of transportation method
The main goal of this project is to a detail environmental assessment comparing transportation method currently used to deliver commodities to remote communities.
Feasibility of study of long range delivery drone
The main goal of the project is to create a report researching feasibility and road map for long range commercial delivery drone
Artificial intelligence
The main goal of this project is to have students do artificial intelligence, expanding the training models of deep stack AI .
Armada Drone project
The main goal of this project is to have students come up with a business plan for a newly developed drone company as well analysis .
VR Demo
demo for a product lunch that shows and highlights product functionality and operation in different averments
Marketing Strategy Plan
We want students to help us build a marketing strategy plan to grow and engage our target market: businesses and governments . We’d like to know how we can maximize use of different channels and get recommendations to improve our messaging. The main questions we’d like students to help us answer are the following: marketing plan and analysis for a startup What channels should we utilize for promotion? What budget is appropriate for advertising, given our goals? what message should we use to explain our value proposition?
Competitive Analysis
It’s important for us to have a better understanding of how our target audience perceives our brand and competitors. We want to develop clarity on our competitive advantages and optimize our product design approach We will give you access to organizational assets to support this project such as personnel, website analytics, We can suggest names of competitors to research. Objective We hope to gain a comprehensive understanding of the competitors in our space and how we can differentiate ourselves through our product offering and design, and our messaging.
thermal insulation and heat transfer
design solution and material selection to insulate fuel from the thermal output of the engine
design and engineering of drone system
engerring diffrent aspects of a ICE Drone, including engine properties, propulsion configurations, maneuverability, flight details, propeller configurations, control and communication capabilities.
Marketing entry and competition in regulated market
The main goal of this project is for student to develop a market assessment and competition analytics based on two main competitors products and their customer acquisition strategy.
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Application
We would like to create a system either from scratch or based on deep stack ai, to detect people and objects, categorize them, create a profile for them and keep track of the object based on the camera feed provided and location of the camera on the floor map