Trevor Phenix
Employer -
Scovan Inc
Scovan Inc
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Market Expansion Strategy for Scovan Inc.

The main goal for the project is to create a market expansion strategy for Scovan Inc targeting specific industry sectors. This will involve several different steps for the learners, including: - Researching and analyzing the current market position of Scovan Inc. - Identifying potential industry sectors for market expansion based on the company's expertise and experience. - Developing a comprehensive strategy for targeting the identified industry sectors. - Creating a detailed implementation plan for the market expansion strategy. - Presenting the strategy and plan to the company's management team for approval.

Matches 2
Category Market expansion + 2
Scovan Inc
Scovan Inc
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Strategic Engineering Landscape Analysis

The goal of this project is to complete an analysis of potential competitors that could be acquisition and partner candidates. The focus will be on companies that could support near and medium term growth targets as well as accelerate geographic and sector diversification goals. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: - Conducting research to identify and consolidate potential competitors and partners. - Analyzing the competitive landscape to identify potential acquisition and partner candidates. - Evaluating the potential of each competitor, evaluating project scopes, company size, cultural alignment, funding and ownership information - Developing a strategy for engaging with potential partners and competitors. - Creating a report outlining the a summary of findings and key recommendations.

Matches 1
Category Competitive analysis + 2