Marie-Claire Hamel
Marie-Claire Hamel
CEO and Founder
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Marie-Claire graduated from McGill with a bachelor in civil engineering and completed a minor in sexual health at Université Laval. She is an MBA candidate at Université Laval focusing on Entrepreneurship and small businesses.

Meanwhile completing her studies and being a project manager, Marie-Claire has worked on Ozex through the incubation at Startup Montréal through their Fondatrices 2022 cohort, Entrepreneuriat Laval Proto 10 2022 Cohort and through an accelerated ideation program at District 3. She also won the first prize in her category for the ideation of Ozex, an award given by the ideation contest at Université Laval.

Fuelled by tomorrow's challenges, Marie-Claire strives to make an impact in her community and hopes to inspire women to be ambitious throughout their career. By being an ambassador at the Jeune Chambre de Commerce des Femmes du Québec (JCCFQ), she hosted webinars with experts to educate members on everyday adulting challenges and how to get by them.

  • Ozex
    Montréal, Québec, Canada
Search engine optimization Community engagement Marketing strategy Social media marketing Software development



Latest feedback

Recent projects

Montréal, Québec, Canada

Perinatal care research student

The student will be involved in a variety of tasks aimed at deepening understanding of mental health and sexual health issues, specifically in the perinatal context. Responsibilities will include: Research and analysis: Conduct in-depth research by consulting scientific articles and relevant publications to develop a deeper understanding of mental and sexual health issues related to the perinatal period. Deliverable : Excel file to structure research and themes as well as word document detailing the research Creativity and tool development: Participate in the creation of educational games and innovative sexological tools to raise awareness and support individuals and couples in this phase of their lives. Creation of a module addressing a specific theme: breastfeeding, body image, post-partum depression, for example. Deliverable : Content plan (format at the discretion of the student) Rigor and documentation: Ensure methodological rigor in data collection, organization of information and documentation of sources used to support research and creative work. Deliverable : Methodology and ressources for both the research and content plan

Matches 2
Category Healthcare + 2
Montréal, Québec, Canada

Ozex Digital Health Blog

Objectifs du projet pour la collaboration étudiante : Création d’articles de blog pour Ozex Ozex est une entreprise de bien-être qui développe une application pour les parents, offrant des outils pour améliorer leur bien-être individuel et de couple. Pour renforcer notre marketing et attirer plus de trafic vers notre site web, nous souhaitons collaborer avec des étudiants pour créer des articles de blog pertinents et engageants. Étapes du projet : Familiarisation avec Ozex, ses objectifs et son marché cible : Les étudiants devront d'abord comprendre la mission d'Ozex, son application dédiée aux parents, ainsi que ses produits et services. Ils se plongeront également dans nos objectifs marketing et les besoins de notre public cible (parents et familles). Recommandation de sujets de blog : Après s’être familiarisés avec notre offre et notre audience, les étudiants proposeront des sujets pertinents pour le blog. Ces sujets doivent s’aligner avec les besoins des parents en termes de bien-être, de gestion de la parentalité, de santé relationnelle et d’intimité, ainsi que les tendances du marché parental. Rédaction d’articles de blog : Les étudiants rédigeront des articles qui traitent de thématiques liées au bien-être parental, à la gestion du stress, à l’équilibre entre vie de couple et parentalité, ou tout autre sujet pertinent. Ces articles seront optimisés pour le référencement (SEO) afin de maximiser la visibilité en ligne. Révision des articles suite aux retours : Après avoir reçu des commentaires de l’équipe d’Ozex, les étudiants ajusteront les articles pour s’assurer qu’ils reflètent bien notre ton, notre message, et les attentes de nos lecteurs. Étapes Bonus : Proposition de stratégies pour promouvoir le blog : Les étudiants pourront également proposer des moyens de promouvoir le blog d’Ozex, que ce soit via les réseaux sociaux, des partenariats, ou d’autres canaux pertinents pour attirer plus de parents et familles.

Matches 1
Category Copy writing + 1
Montréal, Québec, Canada

Social Media Strategy for Wellness Company

We are looking to collaborate with students to design a new social media marketing campaign for the launch of Ozex. This project will involve the following key steps: Understanding Ozex : Students will familiarize themselves with Ozex’s products, our mission, and the goals of the social media campaign. Content Strategy and design : Planning the types of content that will be created for each platform (e.g., educational posts, testimonials, infographics, short videos). Tracking Key Performance Metrics : Students will define the key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor throughout the campaign, such as engagement rates, reach, clicks, and conversions. Content Calendar : Creating a detailed social media content calendar outlining key dates, types of posts, and campaign milestones. Additionally, students will work with our pre-designed Canva templates and use tracking files to ensure consistency in branding and monitor the progress of the campaign effectively.

Matches 2
Category Digital marketing + 4
Montréal, Québec, Canada

Brand Identity and Graphic Design

Main Goal: Content Creation and Management : The primary goal is to design and manage content for social media platforms (Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook) that aligns with the current branding. Study Niche and Develop Graphics : Understand the company's niche and develop appropriate graphics for social media using Canva. Idea Generation and Content Calendar : Create a comprehensive content calendar with innovative ideas for educational posts. Collaboration with Sexual Health Department : Coordinate with the sexual health department to get approval for educational content. Maintain Brand Consistency : While the brand undergoes redefinition, ensure that all content and designs stay consistent with the current branding.

Matches 1
Category Branding & style guides + 4


Laval University
September 2020 - December 2022
Bachelor, Civil Engineering
McGill University
September 2015 - May 2019