- Portals
Stephenville, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

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Financial/Managerial Accounting Projects
Students in the Business Administration Program (Accounting Option) with College of the North Atlantic are required to complete a six week nonpaid work term placement to qualify for graduation at the end of June 2021. This placement begins on May 10 and ends on July 18, 2021. The required placement will consist of approximately 150 to 180 hours to be completed over a six (6) week period. Securing a financial/managerial accounting related project will enable students to build upon their knowledge base and gain valuable experience related to their program of study.

Financial/Managerial Accounting Projects
Students in the Business Administration Program (Accounting Option) with College of the North Atlantic are required to complete a six week nonpaid work term placement to qualify for graduation at the end of June 2021. This placement begins on May 10 and ends on July 18, 2021. The required placement will consist of approximately 150 to 180 hours to be completed over a six (6) week period. Securing a financial/managerial accounting related project will enable students to build upon their knowledge base and gain valuable experience related to their program of study.

Financial Accounting 6-Week Non-Paid Workterm
Student enrolled in a two-year Business Administration Program specializing in accounting requires a six-week nonpaid work term placement starting on May 6 and ending on June 14, 2024. Completion of this work term is a mandatory requirement for students to gradate at the end of June 2024. Our Business Administration Accounting program prepares students to: Apply fundamental principles of accounting to various types of financial transactions and situations including a broad understanding of international accounting standards and practices Demonstrate proficiency in financial reporting that includes the preparation and analysis of financial statements for a range of businesses and organizations using both manual and computerized accounting systems Use a variety of software applications and tools, including accounting software, and spreadsheet programs to assist in preparing and analyzing financial statements Develop financial and budgetary plans based on varying business objectives, changing business environments, and underlying business assumptions including a solid understanding of income tax, payroll tax, and sales tax Make responsible and ethical accounting decisions that align with organizational values and effectively communicate to various stakeholders using both oral and written communications methods Exhibit the application of employability skills defined by the Conference Board of Canada to facilitate successful entry into the workplace and work collaboratively with team members from diverse backgrounds and skill sets to achieve common goals

Business Admin Placement (Human Resource Management)
We have a student specializing in Human Resource Management who require a six-week nonpaid work term placement starting on May 9 and ending on June 17, 2022. Completion of this work term is a mandatory requirement for students to graduate at the end of June 2022.