Email Marketing Campaign
Nous avons un besoin crucial de recueillir les adresses e-mail de nos acheteurs afin de leur envoyer des propositions pour la présence et la vente de nos produits dans des boutiques, de rechercher des collaborateurs potentiels intéressés par nos produits en vente, ainsi que d'envoyer des abonnements et des offres spéciales. De plus, nous souhaitons créer un calendrier d'annonces et des e-mails contenant des liens vers notre site web. Notre entreprise propose des milliers de produits en ligne et nous souhaitons revoir notre stratégie de marketing par e-mail afin d'attirer davantage de clients. Nous aimerions travailler avec des étudiants pour concevoir une nouvelle campagne de marketing par e-mail pour notre entreprise. Cela impliquera plusieurs étapes pour les étudiants, notamment : - Se familiariser avec les produits de notre entreprise, les objectifs de la campagne de marketing par e-mail et le marché cible. - Identifier les types d'e-mails et le contenu que notre entreprise devrait envoyer, tels que les e-mails de bienvenue, les bulletins d'information et les e-mails de réengagement. - Effectuer des recherches sur les facteurs affectant l'efficacité du marketing par e-mail, tels que le moment d'envoi des e-mails, et formuler des recommandations. - Identifier les métriques à surveiller tout au long de la campagne. Des étapes supplémentaires pourraient également inclure : - Identifier des moyens de personnaliser les e-mails pour les clients en fonction de la segmentation du marché.

Foreign Marketing
Notre entreprise commercialise des milliers de produits en ligne dans le domaine de la beauté et des accessoires de mode. Nous souhaitons revoir notre stratégie marketing, car nous venons récemment de nous étendre sur un marché étranger. En collaboration avec notre équipe marketing, nous aimerions confier aux étudiants la conception de nouveaux supports promotionnels pour ce marché étranger. En se basant sur nos connaissances et des recherches supplémentaires, les étudiants devront élaborer des supports marketing promotionnels pour nos médias existants, et formuler des recommandations concernant d'autres médias à envisager. Cela impliquera plusieurs étapes pour les étudiants, notamment : 1. Effectuer des recherches sur le marché étranger où nous venons récemment de nous développer. 2. Évaluer notre stratégie marketing actuelle et nos efforts. 3. Recommander de nouvelles tactiques marketing. 4. Concevoir des supports promotionnels pour différents médias. Des étapes supplémentaires pourraient également inclure : - Créer plusieurs versions de supports marketing et les tester pour les comparer.

Digital Marketing
Our company advertises thousands of products online. We have developed a set of marketing strategies, but it has been challenging to implement them. We would like to collaborate with students to review and post content promoting our company. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Familiarizing themselves with our target market, products and services. Reviewing marketing content in the form of posts, emails, brochures, etc. Deploying content according to our social media calendar to increase website traffic. Overseeing our channels and keeping them up-to-date. Bonus steps in the process would also include: Recommending search engine optimization (SEO) strategies so our materials are easily accessible.

Brand Identity and Graphic Design
Our company is looking to solidify our identity and revamp the logo that we currently have. We are looking to better connect with our audience by standing out and being memorable while also being able to use the designs the students offer in a corporate setting. We are looking for real designs that we could use in our branding as well as general branding knowledge. The right candidate would work to create consistent promotional branding and come up with possible new names for the company. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Researching the brand identity. Logo and name proposals that reflect who we are Work to create a branding guide for us to reference Help create prototypes using software tools that can be implemented in our marketing Research into the competitors to see what they are doing. Creating custom branding sheets with colours and logos.

Logo Redesign
Our company has been serving thousands of customers for decades. We would like to update and revamp our existing brand to attract more customers. We would like to work with students to develop a new logo that aligns with our company’s mission and story while providing an appealing design for users. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Familiarizing themselves with our company’s story, mission and vision statements. Brainstorming logo ideas that suit our company and providing justification for each idea. Designing and testing the best logos to garner input. Refining and improving logos based on feedback. Bonus steps in the process would also include: Developing a finalized logo for implementation.

Email Marketing Campaign
Our company advertises thousands of products online. We hope to revamp our email marketing to attract more customers. We would like to work with students to design a new email marketing campaign for our company. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Familiarizing themselves with our company’s products, email marketing campaign goals and target market. Identifying types of emails and content that our company should send out such as welcome emails, newsletters, and re-engagement emails. Researching factors affecting the effectiveness of email marketing such as when emails are sent and making recommendations. Identifying metrics to monitor throughout the campaign. Bonus steps in the process would also include: Identifying ways to personalize emails for customers based on market segmentation.

Awareness Video Creation
1. Developing a solid understanding of the social cause, our mission, and objectives. 2. Recording a presentation or screencast aimed at raising awareness about the issue. 3. Identifying and applying fitting background music. 4. Incorporating text, transitions, and overlays to enhance the video. Additional steps, which are considered advantageous, include: 1. Presenting the video and making revisions based on received feedback. 2. Offering ideas and suggesting editing tools for future awareness videos.

Marketing Plan
Our company showcases an extensive range of products online, including hundreds of tuques and dozens of natural beauty products, some of which are handmade. As part of our initiative to enhance our business operations, we aim to not only include these products but also develop a comprehensive business plan, analyze losses, and redesign our cash flow. We seek assistance from students to achieve these objectives, specifically by: 1. Gaining an understanding of our current marketing goals and strategies. 2. Conducting research to comprehend how customers perceive our brand and marketing efforts. 3. Proposing new channels for promotion that can effectively reach and engage our target market. 4. Identifying a suitable budget for advertising to maximize the impact of our marketing initiatives. As a valuable addition to this project, students are encouraged to explore further enhancements, such as: 1. Recommending updates to our messaging to more clearly articulate our value proposition. The ultimate goal of this collaboration is to produce a robust business plan that not only incorporates the diverse array of products we offer, including handmade and natural items, but also addresses financial aspects such as loss analysis and cash flow reconstruction. This comprehensive plan will be instrumental in securing loans and grants for our business.

the creation of your podcast blog
. We want to create a blog to strengthen our marketing. We would like to collaborate with students to create blog posts that drive more traffic to our website. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Familiarizing themselves with our goals, target market, products and services. Recommending topics for our blog posts. Drafting blog posts relevant to our business. Revising blog posts based on feedback. Bonus steps in the process would also include: Recommending ways to market our blog.

We want to increase awareness about a particular topic. We would like to work with students to identify potential speakers and sponsors for our awareness campaigns. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Familiarizing themselves with the social cause, our mission and goals. Identifying groups that our campaigns will target. Identifying potential speakers, sponsors and partners who can support our campaign. Drafting emails to invite speakers. Bonus steps in the process would also include: Assisting in contacting speakers.

Website Development & SEO
Genial T'aime, a vibrant online retailer, is set to launch a comprehensive e-commerce website, leveraging the capabilities of Wix, Shopify, or WordPress. The primary focus of this project is to create a versatile and user-friendly platform that caters to a diverse audience, with bilingual support in French and English. Key Components: E-commerce Excellence Responsive Design Multilingual Interface SEO Optimization User-Friendly Navigation Content Management System (CMS) Social Media Synergy By combining these elements, the Genial T'aime website aims to not only provide a robust e-commerce platform but also to establish a strong digital footprint. This comprehensive approach is poised to elevate Genial T'aime's brand presence, foster customer engagement, and drive sustained growth in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

Website Page Creation
Our company has been serving thousands of customers for decades. However, our current website is outdated and requires updating. We would like to collaborate with students to create new pages that help users navigate the site and find up-to-date information. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Identifying and researching useful web pages that can be included on our website. Creating new pages for the website, with our assistance in providing the content. Bonus steps in the process would also include: Recommending potential upgrades or features that can be included in the website

Non-Profit Grant Writing
Examen de la stratégie marketing : Fournir des recommandations sur les méthodes que vous pouvez utiliser pour tirer parti et améliorer votre stratégie marketing, en fonction du budget de votre organisation et de la stratégie marketing actuelle. Stratégie de Marketing Mix : Fournir des informations et recommander des stratégies durables liées au Marketing Mix (Produit, Lieu, Prix et Promotion). Effectuer des analyses externes (y compris les clients, les concurrents, le marché et l’environnement) ainsi que des performances de marketing mix We Assist with defining a company-identified community problem and defining the scope of a corresponding project. Develop a needs statement that characterizes the community problem and justifies the need for our project and f Identify potential sponsors and funding opportunities that are a good fit for our organization and project. Interpret a request for proposal (RFP). Improve the clarity and persuasiveness of our company's grant proposal writing.

Market Research
We want to better understand our target market and audience as well as the overall market so we can uniquely position ourselves within our industry. The research will include: Industry/Company Review Product Review/Buyer Analysis Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning Communications Objectives & Budget Request Creative Strategy Statement/Source Determination Specific Media Objectives/Mix Evaluation Program